ITANAGAR, Mar 28: The XVII Conference on Higher & Technical Education was held at banquet hall today which was attended by Minister Education Honchun Ngandam as chief guest amid hosts of dignitaries from the education department and the administration. The directorate of education has been organizing the conference consecutively for the last 17 years.
Asserting that the state despite being a late starter in higher education has now 55 institutions of higher learning, he stressed on the need to bring in quality for future sustainable development in the state. He directed principals of both government and private colleges which are not yet assessed and accredited by NAAC, Bengaluru to do so to keep the education segment competitive. He appreciated St. Claret College, Ziro for getting Grade A with CGPA 3.02 in the First Cycle of NAAC assessment.
‘It is not the time to relax or rest in education sector so as to achieve the desired goals for sustainable development of education sector in the state,’ he said.
Ngandam also encouraged Rajiv Gandhi University to do research works in Tribal Studies and other humanities and basic sciences field and NERIST to apply for many patents in technology and other related fields as all these institutions were competent to do it.
Exhorting all to shed the dependency on the Centre for funds, the Education Minister invited stakeholders to come up with suggestions for making a revolution in education sector. He questioned the reason of declining the number of students’ enrollment in Govt. Institutions during the current academic year. ‘We need to check it as the State Govt. under our visionary Chief Minister, Pema Khandu is advocating for harping in three core issues; i.e., Education, Health and Hydro power sector of the state,’ he added.
Indeed, it is matter of great relief and expectation that the State Govt. for the first time has prioritized to the tune of Rs. 55 Crores for infrastructure development of all Govt. Colleges in Arunachal Pradesh, he said.
Stating that despite fund crunch the government initiated to establish a State University at Pasighat and a fund to the tune of Rs. 10 Crores has been parked for construction of its administrative and academic block in this financial year, he hoped that the university shall start its academic work from next academic session. Moreover, the Government is looking forward for establishment of an Engineering College at Toru in Papum Pare District at the earliest and necessary fund has been allocated for construction of administrative and academic blocks under RUSA scheme, he informed.
Opining that the teaching fraternity also needed Vocational Training for up-gradation of their knowledge, he said that the government is mulling to introduce the concept of finishing schools in all 16 Govt. Colleges with experts’ advice. He requested Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar to extend full cooperation in providing or developing course curricula inclusive of Skill Development and life management skills. He also informed that as part of strengthening digital knowledge of students in the state, Rajiv Gandhi University would be getting all equipment very soon from ISRO for EDUSAT programme and it would help in reinforcing digital literacy along with an increase in availability of knowledge based courses for student community. Talks are also going on at Government level for Student and Teacher Exchange Program with Cambodia, Lao DPR, Myanmar and Vietnam; and it shall be materialized soon for the better understanding of the potentials available for our students and academicians, he added.
Guest of Honour, Pani Taram, Parliamentary Secretary (Education) highlighted the role of teachers in molding the student community of the state with dedication and sincerity. He also suggested forwarding their feedback for corrective policy inputs of the state in respect of higher education.
Prof. Tamo Mibang, Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University who was a special invitee stressed upon the quality of education provided by the institutions of Higher Learning in the state. Highlighting the landscape of universities in India, he said that there were only 12 universities in 1950’s and it had increased by heaps and bound today to 733 universities in the country but no university in the country came as world class institutions. He opined that job is not the sole objective of higher education rather quality of human being should be the main focus which is sound and conducive to the stockholders.
In the presidential address, Hage Kojeen, Commissioner, Education informed the need for creating an academic environment that is conducive to all by the learned teaching faculty in all institutions under the Directorate of Higher & Technical Education.
Bidol Tayeng, IAS, Secretary Education, Mitali Namchoom, Special Secretary (Education) and Likha Tejji, Under Secretary (Education) among others also present in the conference and participated actively in the technical sessions.