NAMSAI, Aug 10: A two-day Aadhaar update drive was held on August 9 & 10 at the Aadhaar department in the ADC office, Chongkham CD block, Namsai district. The drive focused on updating Aadhaar details for members of five Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in the Alubari main wood area. The updated Aadhaar information will be uploaded to the Lokos portal, allowing SHG details to appear on the NRLM portal and enabling the placement of proposals for the Revolving Fund.
This initiative, a collaboration between ArSRLM Chongkham and the Block Administration's Aadhaar department, aims to improve the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) related to the percentage of SHGs receiving the Revolving Fund, as part of the Sampoornata Abhiyan. The drive identified 45 SHG members who needed Aadhaar updates, and 28 were updated during the event. The remaining 17 members' Aadhaar details will be updated next week.