ITANAGAR, Mar 17: The Regional office, Directorate of Publicity, Govt. of India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Itanagar organized a one day workshop on Hindi Language on March 15 last at the Regional Office, Itanagar.
Presiding over the function, Director, DFP, Dr Keshava Murthy emphasized on the need to use Rajbhasha in daily official correspondence so that it develops into a stronger link language leading to national integration. While expressing concern over its slow progress in the offices of DFP in the region, he advised the concerned officers to develop a schedule to depute officials to Guwahati/Kolkata/Delhi for 5-day course on use of Rajbhasha conducted by the Official Language department of Ministry of Home Affairs.
Surjit Singh, Asstt. Commandant, ITBP, Itanagar took part in the function as a resource person. In his speech he stressed on the use of Hindi Language in day to day activities of the Regional Office as well as in the Units. Being in category ‘C “among states for implementation of Rajbhasa scheme, there is a need to use Hindi in 55% of all official correspondences both within the state and with other states, he added.