Bishnu Rana
HAWAII, Jul 20:
Unfinished infrastructure meant for reputed Jawaharlal Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) has been remained dumped for the several years here at the interior border district that failed miserably to cater quality education to the poor and meritorious student of Anjaw district. The JNV set up officially in the year 2006 at this inner pocket of the district bordering China is badly lingering for completion despite its construction started in the year 2008.
“It’s almost going to be a decade, the dilly delaying tactic of the DUDA the executing agency to complete the building in time has virtually deprived over 440 poor student since 2006 which is a huge lost for the Mishmi community”, rues Ritemso Manyu President BJYM Anjaw unit. Who will compensate this lost? This sort of lackadaisical attitude of the department is unfortunate and understood its cheerlessness and least bother attitude towards the greatest interest of the community and the area, utters the President.
The school of high repute to impart quality modern education to those talented poor children has failed in true sense. The department should answer this huge lapse and lost meted out to our downtrodden student, he claims.
Meanwhile, The 25 (twenty five) number of teachers posted from mainland also languishing with 4 (four) number of quarters and many more shortages of amenities discouraging the principal to run the school, claims the Manyu as complainant.
When asked about the status of the JNV school, A Mishra Principal discloses over the present enrolment of the student which is 40 (forty) in number then the actual quota of 80 (eighty). Acute shortage of space caused due to inordinate delay of the permanent building have even affected the forty students with cozy classroom, accommodation and dining. The students have to trek everyday 500 meters sloppy route for dining beyond the Airfield from the general ground which is vulnerable to their lives especially during night and rainy season”, narrates the Principal. Early completion of building could ease everything but there is no ray of hope ! laments the Principal further.
When contacted to know the authenticity, Rokto Damin DD DUDA Hawai while clarifying the actual state of affairs said that the building tendered to M/S Concord Construction Agency Kerala has relinquished the work citing huge lost due to cost escalation. “The Concord agency has questioned the remoteness and inaccessibility of the area which escalated the cost of materials and left the site. I m going to blacklist the agency which despite agreement with the government failed to complete the building in time”, the DD clarified. He further promised to complete within two years for which he is camping in Delhi to revise the cost estimate and to sanction the fund.
The DD also added toughness to complete this sort of huge infrastructure at Hawai like pocket where road remained cut off most of the months in rainy season and procurement of building materials from Tinsukia (Assam) far off places covering 260 Km mostly mountain terrains.
Whatsoever may be the excuses, it’s is the duty of the department and the concern agency to complete any building within stipulated time and when it is a matter of school, the department should give extra impetus for the cost of marginalize and downtrodden student for quality education facilitated by Govt of India.