The protest graffito conveying a message against dams which was painted on the ‘Wall of Harmony’ on the Arunachal civil secretariat wall here has proven the power of art once again. The arrest of lawyer-activist Ebo Mili and well-known graffiti artist from Assam, Nilim Mahanta for a protest graffito with the message‘No more dams’ has created a sensation in both Arunachal and Assam, with outrage against the arrests coming from various quarters, including on social media. At the time of writing this editorial, the two young men were granted bail by the District and Session court, Yupia on Tuesday.
Without getting into the debate of the manner in which the Arunachal Pradesh government handled the ‘defacement’of the ‘Wall of Harmony’, a state government-sponsored mural painted to commemorate the existence of 50 years of Arunachal Pradesh, let us take a moment here and take a look at the impact this graffito has made on the common public.
The ‘Wall of Harmony’showcases an image of a dam and seeing the strong anti-dam sentiment in Arunachal especially concerning big dams, activists found the perfect canvas to call attention to their cause. Not everyone agrees by the method of protest but dissent is part of a functioning democracy, like it or not.
Graffiti is a type of art genre that means writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view. The element of illegality gives graffiti a counter-culture edge. This art style connects with many because it pushes the boundaries and issues of the society they are painted in. Graffiti and street art can be controversial, but can also be a medium for voices of social change, protest, or expressions of community desire.